Rahul Arora, a PhD candidate and current DGP student, was awarded at this year’s U of T Libraries Graduate Student Exhibition Competition. His work titled “User-Centric Structural Optimization in Three Dimensions” is on display on the first floor of Robarts Library through the month of February.
Of his research, Arora explains, “We wanted to build a structural optimization method which helped users control optimized structures intuitively and efficiently. For this purpose, we built a novel truss-optimization algorithm inspired by hexahedral meshing research in the geometry processing community. While the algorithm itself is an end goal, the hope is that out work also inspires more research into improving the end-user experience for computational structural optimziation tools.”

For more information about the exhibit, Arora has provided a link to his research: http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/projects/michell/
To find out more about previous publications and work that Arora has done, please visit his website: http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/~arorar
UofT News has a write up here: https://www.utoronto.ca/news/three-graduate-students-win-u-t-libraries-research-awards
UofT Libraries has another write up here: https://onesearch.library.utoronto.ca/grad-exhibit-awards