Computer Graphics CSC418 Winter 2018


LEC2501 Tuesdays 18:00–20:00 in GB 248
Prof. Karan Singh
+1 416–978–7201
Office hours Tuesdays 17:00–18:00 in BA 5258

LEC0101 Wednesdays 15:00–17:00 in SF 3202
Prof. David Levin
+1 416–978–2052
Office hours Tuesdays 17:00–18:00 in BA 5268

Tutorial for both sections will be held together on Tuesdays 20:00-21:00 in GB248.


Date Posted Anouncement
9/1/2018 Welcome to CSC418
9/1/2018 A1 posted
9/1/2018 Submission instructions for assigments
2/1/2018 A2 posted
2/1/2018 Midterm during tutorial hour on Feb 11 and Feb 13
15/2/2018 A2 deadline extended to March 9.
15/3/2018 A3 posted

Course Overview

This course introduces the basic concepts and algorithms of computer graphics. It covers the basic methods needed to model and render 3D objects, including much of the following: graphics displays, basic optics, line drawing, affine and perspective transformations, windows and viewports, clipping, visibility, illumination and reflectance models, radiometry, energy transfer models, parametric representations, curves and surfaces, texture mapping, graphics hardware, ray tracing, graphics toolkits, animation systems.

Prerequisites: CSC336H1/CSC350H1/CSC351H1/CSC363H1/364H1/CSC365H1/CSC373H1/ CSC375H1/378HI, MAT137Y1, CSC209H1/proficiency in C or C++ ;
CGPA 3.0/enrolment in a CSC subject POSt.

The student is expected to read background material on the hardware and local software, and should be comfortable with elementary linear algebra, geometry, and vector calculus. It is also assumed that the student is comfortable programming in basic C++.

Recommended preparation: MAT237Y1, MAT244H1.

Lecture Schedule

Links to lecture slides are required readings. These links are available before each lecture (but may be minimally altered for the lecture).

Online notes present the slides in greater detail and are strongly suggested reading. Sections under the Textbook column refer to strongly suggested readings from Shirley’s textbook. External links point to online resources (e.g., Wikipedia and MathWorld) that you may find helpful. They are not required readings.

Topics Slides Shirley Chapters
Part I: Graphics Primitives (modeling)
Tutorial 1 Hello, I’m your TA. There’s no tutorial this week.
Lecture 1 Introduction & raster operations Line drawing, 2D polygons, parametric 2D curves (circle, ellipse)
Wikipedia List of curves
lecture1.pdf, lecture1_6up.pdf 3.1–3.5; 2.5–2.6
Tutorial 2 javascript, canvas, C++, OpenGL and graphical APIs.
Lecture 2 Interpolation & 2D Transformations Rigid, conformal, affine transformations. Homogeneous coordinates. Coordinate-free geometry.

lecture2+3.pdf, lecture2+3_6up.pdf



6.1; 2.4; 6.3
Tutorial 3 2D transforms and hierarchical models.
Lecture 3

3D Surfaces Planes, tangents, normals, bilinear patches, quadrics/superquadrics.

Polynomial interpolation and Introduction to smooth curve design.

2.9–2.11; 13.1; 6.2

Tutorial 4

3D meshes, objects, tangents and normals.  
Lecture 4 Bezier, b-splines, Hermite splines, Catmull-Romm splines and curve continuity.

lecture4.pdf, lecture4_6up.pdf


Part II: Viewing in 3D
Tutorial 5 Curve modeling review. 
Lecture 5 Camera models and 3D transformations Change of basis, Scene Hierarchies, Viewer coordinates. Perspective and orthographic projections. Pseudo-depth.

lecture5.pdf, lecture5_6up.pdf


7.2-7.3; 7.3-7-5   
Tutorial 6 MIDTERM   
Lecture 6 Visibility BSP, Spatial partitions, Z-buffer

lecture6.pdf, lecture6_6up.pdf

Part III: Appearance Modeling Animation and Rendering
Tutorial 7 3D viewing, 3D view volumeVisibility, back-faces, spatial partitions.    
Lecture 7

Lighting and Reflection Diffuse, ambient, specular, and Phong models. Interpolative shading, texture mapping.

lecture7.pdf, lecture7_6up.pdf

Tutorial 8 vertex and fragment shaders glsl_slides.pdf  
Lecture 8 Basic ray tracing algorithm. Computing ray-plane intersections

lecture8.pdf, lecture8_6up.pdf


Tutorial 9 Ray tracing review    
Lecture 9 Refraction, Distributed/stochastic ray-tracing, Backwards ray-tracing (caustics), radiosity.  lecture9_annotated.pdf 24.1-24.2 
Tutorial 10 Ray tracing pseudo-code.      10.8,10.10
Lecture 10 Animation: history, principles, keyframe interpolation, physical simulation, behavioral rules. lecture10_annotated.pdf 15.1-15.3, 15.6.1, 15.4-15.5  
Tutorial 11 Animation review.    
Lecture 11

Future trends in Computer Graphics

Tutorial 12 Final exam review    
Lecture 12 Wooden Monkey presentation, Summary   16.1-16.2, 16.4-16.5;


Academic Honesty (Please Read!!!)

Links to assignments will be available on the hand-out dates


Date handed out Due date Assignment Helper code Submission
Jan 9 Jan 31 A1 (written), A1 (programming) instructions
Jan 31 Feb 26 (extended to Mar 9).

A2 (written), A2 (programming), zip

Mar 15 Apr 4 A3,    

Recommended Textbook and References

Currently, there is no textbook that reflects all the material covered in this class. Only the Slides in the Lecture Schedule are required reading.

In-class lectures will be supplemented by online notes (lecture slides and course notes) as well as portions of the following recommended textbook:


Textbook sections and online notes listed next to each lecture are strongly suggested reading.

We will not be using the following books directly, but they offer different perspectives on the topics that will be covered in class.


15% In-tutorial test: Oct 30
35% Final exam
50% Assignments

There will be three assignments in total, composing 10%, 15% and 25% of the total grade, respectively. Assignments will be roughly tri-weekly. The assignments will have a written portion and a programming portion.

Late Policy

Assignments are due by 11:59pm on the due date. Assignments (including the written part) should be submitted to the TA in electronic form. Exact submission instructions will be provided with the first assignment. The written portions if hand-written should be legibly scanned and submitted electronically as well.

For each day late, including weekends, 15% of the total possible points will be deducted (a day ends at the due time).

No work will be accepted if it is more than five days late.

Academic Honesty

Academic honesty is a very serious matter and can result in very serious consequences. Note that academic offences may be discovered and handled retroactively, even after the semester in which the course was taken for credit. This is a challenging class aimed at teaching you the fundamentals of computer graphics. You wont learn much if you cheat but you might get a good grade if you get away with it. If all you want is a good grade take an easier class where you wont have to cheat!

For purposes of this class, academic dishonesty is defined as:

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