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Sites which deal with battered men:

Research and Articles

  • List of 18 studies which show that men are abused as much as women. These are all scholarly articles. This list shows what the sample population of each group was and how the data was broken up. Like the author says, "read the research before you form an opinion".
  • 67 articles and studies which show that men are abused as much as women. This mixes in scholarly articles with magazine articles, newspaper clippings, and books.
  • http://www.vix.com/pub/men/battery/studies/oleary-etal.html is a summary of statistics from research on domestic violence. It mostly addresses the question, "how common is domestic violence against men and against women". The following are references that I haven't looked through personally. Many were provided courtesy of the Men's Rights Resource List, maintained by Peter Zohrab.
    Other domestic violence pages. This sites contain a lot of useful information, even though they are primarily for women in DV situations.
    1. United States Domestic Violence Hotlines is a list of national and statewide hotlines.
    2. Nashville Police Department DV Page contains practical, educational information on domestic violence, such as indicators of DV, what stages are common, why people stay in DV relationships, how to plan for when you're thinking about leaving, what to do when you're in a fight, etc... Some of the best practical information that I've come across!
    3. Safety Planning - how to protect your friend or yourself.
    4. Blain Nelson's Abuse Pages contains a wealth of information on domestic violence. If you want to understand the dynamics of abuse, this is a good place to start.
    5. Survival Home Page is a listing of resources for rape, domestic violence, child abuse, etc... Also a mailing list.
    6. Higher Education Center Against Violence is a clearinghouse of information and resources on domestic violence.
      • Domestic Violence Factoids. A lot of DV statistics are thrown around that aren't based on anything. This debunks a lot of the "facts" of domestic violence. I highly recommend reading this if you are interested in DV issues.
      • Electronic Databases: online statistics from places like the Bureau of Justice. Useful for research.
      • News Groups & Discussion Lists: the list of discussion groups is especially useful.
      • Global Links on Violence: contains links on all sorts of violence (child abuse, domestic violence, elder abuse, gay/lesbian bashing, etc...)
      • Violence Against Women: an incredible amount of information. Contains information on domestic violence and legal resources. This is a meta-list.
    7. Domestic Violence Page provides a lot of personal stories and responses to domestic violence.
    8. Shattered Love Broken lives contains numerous articles on domestic violence.
    9. SafetyNet Domestic Violence Resources contains statistics, bibliographies, links, and NY phone numbers. The resources and information are useful, especially if you're a woman.
    10. Nonviolent Alternatives Counseling Services counsels abusive men. Also contains information on domestic violence.
    11. Law Runner is a search engine for legal documents.
    12. Domestic Violence Laws in Michigan unfortunately is not so gender-neutral...
    13. Domestic Violence is a fairly well-written overview of domestic violence, including history, prevalence, etc... written mostly for counselors and therapists.
    14. ABC News 20/20 did a show on battered men, and the transcript should be available here or here.
    Other Perspectives:
    1. The Truth About Domestic Violence also asserts that men are not abuse victims as often as women.
    1. Do Fathers Have the Edge in Divorce? discusses whether or not this is true.
    2. To Hell And Back talks about male rape.
    Other links
    1. Related Links added by visitors. You and anyone else can add other links related to this website.

    Last updated: Sunday, August 8, 1999
    E-mail: spindrift9@aol.com

    Copyright 1998 * Jade Rubick * All rights reserved.
    Visits since 3/1/98: