Designing Speech and Multimodal Interactions for Mobile, Wearable, & Pervasive Applications

CHI 2016 Workshop, San Jose, CA

Announcement: two exciting keynote speakers, courtesy of our sponsor!

Honda Research Institute

We are very pleased to announce our two keynote speakers, made possible by the generous contribution of our workshop's sponsor (Honda Research Institute Japan): Dr. Phil Cohen (VP of Advanced Technologies at VoiceBox) and Dr. Dan Bohus (Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research)

Tentative workshop agenda

Day 1.

9:00 Welcome
9:15 Intros by workshop committee members
9:30 Intros by participants
10:15 Overview of workshop agenda
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Plenary speaker: Dr. Dan Bohus (Microsoft Research)
11:45 Round-table discussion with the speaker
12:15 Lunch break (complimentary, courtesy of our sponsor, Honda Research Institute Japan)
1:45 Paper presentations: Session 1 (4 Papers)
3:00 Coffee break
3:30 Presentation from our sponsor (Honda Research Institute Japan)
3:40 Birds of a feather group discussions of provided case studies
4:30 Reporting of discussion results
5:00 Day 1 ends
5:30 Dinner (optional)

Day 2.

9:00 Welcome, intros of attendees joining for 2nd day
9:10 Overview of agenda, recap of birds of feather discussions
9:20 Paper presentations: Session 2 (3 papers + 1 demo)
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Plenary speaker: Dr. Phil Cohen (VoiceBox)
11:45 Round-table discussion with the speaker
12:15 Lunch break (complimentary, courtesy of our sponsor, Honda Research Institute Japan)
1:45 Paper presentations: Session 3 (4 papers)
3:00 Coffee break
3:30 Plenary brainstorming
4:15 Workshop review, draft of points for the official workshop poster
4:45 Discussion of follow up (subsequent workshops, journals)
5:00 Workshop ends

Workshop proceedings

Format for paper presentations: 5-7 minute presentations, with focus on the author's research as related to the workshop topics, followed by 8-10 minutes of discussion. A suggested list of workshop-related goals will be provided before each session and participants are encouraged to structure their questions around these goals. Participants scheduled within the same session are expected to lead the Q&A for the other papers in their session.

Day 1 birds of a feather discussion:

  • identify points that can support developing the theoretical goals of the workshop (e.g. where are speech UIs useful? what are the usability guidelines that are applicable to speech UIs for mobile and wearable devices?)
  • discussion guides / leading questions will be provided

Day 2 plenary brainstorming goals:

  • summarize the points identified during Day 1 birds of a feather discussions
  • draft answers to the theoretical framework questions proposed in the workshop abstract (or new ones as emerging from Day 1)

Workshop location

San Jose Convention Center, Room 214.