Ty Trusty

Hey! I'm a 3rd year PhD student at the University of Toronto advised by David I.W. Levin. My research area is in computer graphics and I'm interested in numerical simulation for animation and design. Before Toronto, I attended the University of Texas at Austin where I received my BS and MS.

Besides research I like running, baking, video games, and animals.

profile photo
Mixed Variational Finite Elements for Implicit Simulation of Deformables
Ty Trusty, Danny M. Kaufman, David I.W. Levin
SIGGRAPH Asia, 2022
Project Page
The Shape Matching Element Method: Direct Animation of Curved Surface Models
Ty Trusty, Honglin Chen, David I.W. Levin
Project Page
Fun Stuff

My dog, Chief :)

When it snowed in Texas

My family in Texas also has a bunch of fun animals

"Grey Cat"


Snickerdoodle and Chocolate Chip

Honey and Latte