The Swimmer Project


Here is a subset of related research referred in the SCA 04 paper:
  • Controlling Human Motion

    Human Walking
    Laszlo J. F., van de Panne M., Fiume E.: Limit cycle control and its application to the animation of balancing and walking. 1996. In SIGGRAPH 96 Conference Proceedings, pp. 155–162.

    Human Athletes
    Hodgins, J., Wooten, W., Brogan, D., AND O’Brien, J.: Animating Human Athletics. 1995. In Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, ACM Press, pp. 71–78.

  • Dynamic Control in a Fluid Environment

    Fish Locomotion
    Tu, X. and Terzopolous.: Artificial fishes: physics, locomotion, perception, behaviour. In Proceedings of the 21st Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, ACM Press, pp. 43–50.

    Human Platform Diving
    Wooten W. L., Hodgins J. K.: Animation of human diving. Computer Graphics Forum 15, 1 (1996), 3–14.

    Bird Flight
    WU, J. AND POPOVIC, Z.: Realistic modeling of bird flight animations. In Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2003 (2003), vol. 22(3) of ACM Transactions on Graphics, pp. 888–895.

  • Fluid Solid Interaction

    Deformable Object Fluid Interaction
    Genevaux, O., Habibi, A., AND Dischler, J.: Simulating Fluid-Solid Interaction. In Graphics Interface (GI-03), CIPS, Canadian Human-Computer Commnication Society, A K Peters, pp. 31–38.

    Rigid Body Fluid Interaction
    Carlson, M., Mucha, P. AND Turk, G.: Rigid Fluid: Animating the interplay between Rigid Bodies and Fluid. To appear in Proceedings of the 31st Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, ACM Press.

  • Biomechanics of Swimming

    All Aspects of Competitive Swimming
    Maglischo, E. 2003 Swimming Fastest. Human Kinetics. ISBN 0-7360-3180-4

    Analysis using Mechnical Models
    Toussaint, H.: Biomechanics of propulsion and drag in front crawl swimming. 2002. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports

    Analysis Using CFD Models
    Sato, Y. and Hino, T.: Estimation of thrust of swimmer’s hand using CFD. In Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Aqua Biomechanism, pp. 71–75.

    Bixlar, B. AND Riewald, S.: Analysis of a swimmer’s hand and arm in steady flow conditions using computational fluid dynamics. In Journal of Biomechnics, vol. 35(5), Elsevier Science, pp. 713–717.

Created by Po-Feng Paul Yang 2004