Publication list of David Tonnesen
D. Tonnesen,
Particles Systems for Artistic Expression
Subtle Technologies Conference 2001,
pages 17-20, Toronto, Canada, May 2001.
Sha, X. W. et. al.,
SIGGRAPH Art Gallery Publication,
New Orleans, USA, July 2000.
D. Tonnesen,
Dynamically Coupled Particle Systems
for Geometric Modeling, Reconstruction, and Animation
Ph. D. Thesis, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada,
November, 1998.
Papers in Conference Proceedings
R. Szeliski and D. Tonnesen and D. Terzopoulos,
Curvature and Continuity Control in Particle-Based Surface Models ,
SPIE Vol. 2301 Geometric Methods in Computer Vision II, pages 172-181,
San Diego, California, July, 1993.
R. Szeliski and D. Tonnesen and D. Terzopoulos,
Modeling Surfaces of Arbitrary Topology with Dynamic Particles,
IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'93), pages 82-87,
New York, New York, June, 1993.
R. Szeliski and D. Tonnesen,
Surface Modeling with Oriented Particles,
Computer Graphics
(SIGGRAPH'92), vol. 26, pages 185-194, 1992.
D. Tonnesen,
Modeling Liquids and Solids using Thermal Particles,
Proceedings of Graphics Interface'91, pages 255-262, Calgary, Alberta, 1991.
Journal Articles
I. Carlbom and W. M. Hsu and G. Klinker and
R. Szeliski and K. Waters and M. Doyle and
J. Gettys and K. M. Harris and T. M. Levergood and
R. Palmer and L. Palmer and M. Picart and
D. Terzopoulos and D. Tonnesen and M. Vannier and G. Wallace,
Modeling and Analysis of Empirical Data in Collaborative Environments,
pages 75-84,
Communications of the ACM, V35, N6, June 1992.
Technical Reports
R. Szeliski and D. Tonnesen,
Surface Modeling with Oriented Particles,
CRL 91/14, Digital Equipment Corporation, Cambridge Research Lab,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, Dec., 1991.
(See SIGGRAPH'92 article)
I. Carlbom and W. M. Hsu and G. Klinker and
R. Szeliski and K. Waters and M. Doyle and
J. Gettys and K. M. Harris and T. M. Levergood and
R. Palmer and L. Palmer and M. Picart and
D. Terzopoulos and D. Tonnesen and M. Vannier and G. Wallace,
Modeling and Analysis of Empirical Data in Collaborative Environments
CRL 92/8, Digital Equipment Corporation, Cambridge Research Lab,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, Sept., 1992.
(See CACM'92 article)
D. Tonnesen,
A Window Based User-Interface for an Object-Oriented Computer
Animation System,
TR-89024, Rensselaer Design Research Center, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
Troy, New York, 1989.
D. Tonnesen,
Ray-Tracing Implicit Surfaces Resulting from the Summation of
Bounded Polynomial Functions,
TR-89003, Rensselaer Design Research Center, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
Troy, New York, 1989.
Other Published Papers
D. Tonnesen,
Spatially Coupled Particle Systems,
invited chapter in
SIGGRAPH'92 Course Notes #16: Particle System Modeling, Animation,
and Physically Based Techniques, ACM, Chicago, Illinois, August 1992.
D. Breen and D. Tonnesen and W. Gates,
Particle Systems Bibliography,
invited chapter in
SIGGRAPH'92 course #16 notes: Particle System Modeling, Animation,
and Physically Based Techniques, ACM, Chicago, Illinois, August 1992.
How to get copies of published papers
Compaq CRL Tech Reports
You can
order technical reports
Compaq's (was Digital Equipment's Corp.)
Cambridge Research Lab directly over the web.
Copies of other publications
To request a copy of articles you can also email
me directly at tonnesen @ acm . org.
If you request by email please be sure to include your postal address
(snail mail).
This page last updated August 2001.