Frame Recording On The Laser Disk

Before you start make sure you have the following commands in your path: lvsh, lvrdump, killall. Currently, the first command is in ~van/proj2/lvr, and the other two commands are in ~radek/bin/4d.

Step 0

Configure the video tower as follows:

LV:C out -> AG:C in
AG:C1 out -> M:TAR in
AG:C2 out -> M:A in
SGI:C out -> LV:C in
ENC:C out -> SGI:C in
LV:S in -> NULL

Step 1

Log on to munch.dgp and execute videopanel. Make sure that the panel has this setup:


Step 2

Start up lvsh. Use help to learn about the commands provided by the shell.
Execute blank to find unrecorded frames on the laser disk.

Step 3

Go to the directory with frames that you want to record on the laser disk. Use lvrdump to record the frames:

lvrdump blankStart *.rgb

where 'blankStart' is the disk frame index where you want to start recording.