Lydos.Matlab Changelog Version 0.1.2 (2005-08-11) - Fixed buggy handling of C# arrays and corresponding unit tests that passed under any condition (thanks Hauke). - Removed all Matrix public constructors except that which specifies a matrix size. Instead, use static methods Matrix.FromArray(...), Matrix.FromJaggedArray(...), etc. - Added methods and properties to make it more convenient to work with vectors and scalar values (thanks Hauke). - Locally cache matrix size to reduce calls to native code (thanks Hauke). Version 0.1.1 (2005-07-28) - Fixed a bug where a constructor mixed up rows and columns. This is a breaking change. If you are using the Matrix(double[] matrix, int cols, bool rowMajor) constructor, note it now works properly, cols indicates the number of columns in the matrix (thanks Hauke). - Moved custom exception classes out of Lydos.Matlab.Exceptions namespace and into main Lydos.Matlab namespace to be consistent with other .NET libraries. This is a breaking change. - Added calls to GC.KeepAlive to prevent a tricky race conditions where the garbage collector finalizes objects with unmanaged resources before they are done executing unmanaged code. - Added support for converting matrices to and from jagged arrays. These have more overhead in constructing, but they are faster to access than multidimensional arrays (thanks Hauke). - Added a constructor for creating a Matlab matrix from a single double value (thanks Hauke). - Commented out unused native methods. - Marked assembly as CLS compliant. Version 0.1 (2005-04-19) - Initial release.