The Wall

Key Areas

This was a project that I did with a friend (Dustin Freeman) just for fun, where we would take turns making alterations to the code until we ended up with the final results.


The main goal of this project was to explore canvases in HTML5 and Javascript. Apart from that, there was no official goal for this project; however, we did follow a process. The wall started off as a simply grid of blocks, each one a random color. We took turns passing the program back and forth each in turn adding one simple "mutation" to the code.


Some of the more notable changes include:

  • If there was space next to a block, it had a random chance of moving in that direction
  • A moving block transferred its color to an adjacent block when the blocks "hit"
  • Passing the mouse cursor over a block would "drain" it of its color, leaving it gray
  • Blocks that were gray had a life expectancy and would "die" after a period of time, unless another block transferred its color first.

In the end...

When left to run, this program ends up being a type of "game of life".

Which color will be the dominant color in the end?

Leave it running, to see which color wins.

The Wall

Here is a version of the wall to watch and play with: