Suggested Reading

This reading list is mostly relevant to the type of research I do. It reflects the suggestions that I have often received from my beautiful colleagues during my course and research works; I am especially thankful to Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed (UofT), Amy Voida (CU Boulder), Casey Fiesler (CU Boulder), Lecia Barker (CU Boulder), Jay Chen (NYUAD), and Kentaro Toyama (Umich).


Olson, Judith S., and Wendy A. Kellogg, eds. Ways of Knowing in HCI. Vol. 2. New York, NY, USA:: Springer, 2014.

Blaikie, Norman, and Jan Priest. Designing social research: The logic of anticipation. John Wiley & Sons, 2019.

Strauss, Anselm, and Juliet Corbin. "Grounded theory methodology." Handbook of qualitative research 17 (1994): 273-85.

Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative research in psychology, 3(2), 77-101.

Fairclough, N., & Wodak, R. (1997). Critical discourse analysis. Discourse studies: A multidisciplinary introduction, 2, 258-284.

Thomas, David R. "A general inductive approach for qualitative data analysis." (2003).

Dourish, Paul, and Graham Button. "On" technomethodology": Foundational relationships between ethnomethodology and system design." Human-computer interaction 13.4 (1998): 395-432.

Burrell, Jenna. "The field site as a network: A strategy for locating ethnographic research." Field Methods 21.2 (2009): 181-199.

MacKenzie, I. Scott. Human-computer interaction: An empirical research perspective. Newnes, 2012.

Gravetter, Frederick J., and Larry B. Wallnau. Statistics for the behavioral sciences. Cengage Learning, 2016.

HCI Scholar

Bijker, Wiebe E., Thomas Parke Hughes, and Trevor J. Pinch, eds. The social construction of technological systems: New directions in the sociology and history of technology. MIT press, 1989.

Latour, Bruno. We have never been modern. Harvard university press, 2012.

Dourish, Paul. (2004). Where the action is: the foundations of embodied interaction. MIT press.

Suchman, Lucy. Human-machine reconfigurations: Plans and situated actions. Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Weiser, Mark. "The computer for the 21st century." IEEE pervasive computing 1.1 (2002): 19-25.

Baecker, Ronald M., ed. Readings in Human-Computer Interaction: toward the year 2000. Elsevier, 2014.

Carroll, John Millar. Human-computer interaction in the new millennium. New York: ACM Press, 2002.

Ishii, Hiroshi, and Brygg Ullmer. "Tangible bits: towards seamless interfaces between people, bits and atoms." Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human factors in computing systems. ACM, 1997.

Weiser, Mark. "Ubiquitous computing." Computer 10 (1993): 71-72.

Satyanarayanan, Mahadev. "Pervasive computing: Vision and challenges." IEEE Personal communications 8.4 (2001): 10-17.

Shneiderman, B. (2010). Designing the user interface: strategies for effective human-computer interaction. Pearson Education India.

Winner, Langdon. "Do artifacts have politics?." Daedalus (1980): 121-136.

Nissenbaum, Helen. (1994). Computing and accountability. Communications of the ACM, 37(1), 72-81.

Milgram, Stanley. "The small world problem." Psychology today 2.1 (1967): 60-67.


Norman, Don. (2013). The design of everyday things: Revised and expanded edition. Basic books.

Lockton, Dan, David Harrison, and Neville Stanton. "Design with intent: Persuasive technology in a wider context." International Conference on Persuasive Technology. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008.

Dunne, Anthony, and Fiona Raby. Speculative everything: design, fiction, and social dreaming. MIT press, 2013.

Friedman, Batya, Peter H. Kahn, and Alan Borning. "Value sensitive design and information systems." The handbook of information and computer ethics (2008): 69-101.

DiSalvo, Carl. (2012). Adversarial Design as Inquiry and Practice. Mit Press.

Sengers, Phoebe, et al. "Reflective design." Proceedings of the 4th decennial conference on Critical computing: between sense and sensibility. ACM, 2005.

ICTD: Theories, Concepts, and Applications

Sen, Amartya. "The concept of development." Handbook of development economics 1 (1988): 9-26.

Collier, Paul. "Bottom billion." The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology (2007): 1-3.

Cammack, Paul. "What the World Bank means by poverty reduction, and why it matters." New Political Economy 9.2 (2004): 189-211.

Toyama, Kentaro. "Human–computer interaction and global development." Foundations and Trends® in Human–Computer Interaction 4.1 (2010): 1-79.

Toyama, Kentaro. Geek heresy: Rescuing social change from the cult of technology. PublicAffairs, 2015.

Chen, Jay. "A strategy for limits-aware computing." Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Computing within Limits. ACM, 2016.

Dell, Nicola, and Neha Kumar. "The ins and outs of HCI for development." Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 2016.

Ho, Melissa R., et al. "Human-computer interaction for development: The past, present, and future." Information Technologies & International Development 5.4 (2009): pp-1.

Burrell, Jenna, and Kentaro Toyama. "What constitutes good ICTD research?." Information Technologies & International Development 5.3 (2009): pp-82.

Donner, Jonathan. "Research approaches to mobile use in the developing world: A review of the literature." The information society 24.3 (2008): 140-159.

Brewer, Eric, et al. "The case for technology in developing regions." Computer 38.6 (2005): 25-38.

Medhi, Indrani, Aman Sagar, and Kentaro Toyama. "Text-free user interfaces for illiterate and semi-literate users." 2006 International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development. IEEE, 2006.

Patel, Neil, et al. "Avaaj otalo: a field study of an interactive voice forum for small farmers in rural india." Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 2010.

Parikh, Tapan S., and Edward D. Lazowska. "Designing an architecture for delivering mobile information services to the rural developing world." Proceedings of the 15th international conference on World Wide Web. ACM, 2006.

Ahmed, Syed Ishtiaque, et al. "Protibadi: A platform for fighting sexual harassment in urban Bangladesh." Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 2014.

Brunette, Waylon, et al. "Open data kit 2.0: expanding and refining information services for developing regions." Proceedings of the 14th workshop on mobile computing systems and applications. ACM, 2013.

Vashistha, Aditya, et al. "Social media platforms for low-income blind people in india." Proceedings of the 17th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers & Accessibility. ACM, 2015.

Nemer, David, and Guo Freeman. "Empowering the marginalized: Rethinking selfies in the slums of Brazil." International Journal of Communication 9 (2015): 1832-1847.

Sambasivan, Nithya, et al. "Intermediated technology use in developing communities." Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 2010.

Pal, Joyojeet, Meera Lakshmanan, and Kentaro Toyama. "“My child will be respected”: Parental perspectives on computers and education in Rural India." Information Systems Frontiers 11.2 (2009): 129-144.


DiSalvo, Carl, Phoebe Sengers, and Hrönn Brynjarsdóttir. "Mapping the landscape of sustainable HCI." Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems. ACM, 2010.

Blevis, Eli. "Sustainable interaction design: invention & disposal, renewal & reuse." Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems. ACM, 2007.

Dillahunt, Tawanna, et al. "It's not all about green: Energy use in low-income communities." Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Ubiquitous computing. ACM, 2009.

Becker, Christoph, et al. "Sustainability design and software: The karlskrona manifesto." Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Software Engineering-Volume 2. IEEE Press, 2015.

Froehlich, Jon, et al. "UbiGreen: investigating a mobile tool for tracking and supporting green transportation habits." Proceedings of the sigchi conference on human factors in computing systems. ACM, 2009.


Belleflamme, Paul, Thomas Lambert, and Armin Schwienbacher. "Crowdfunding: Tapping the right crowd." Journal of business venturing 29.5 (2014): 585-609.

Agrawal, Ajay K., Christian Catalini, and Avi Goldfarb. The geography of crowdfunding. No. w16820. National bureau of economic research, 2011.

Gerber, Elizabeth M., Julie S. Hui, and Pei-Yi Kuo. "Crowdfunding: Why people are motivated to post and fund projects on crowdfunding platforms." Proceedings of the International Workshop on Design, Influence, and Social Technologies: Techniques, Impacts and Ethics. Vol. 2. No. 11. Northwestern University Evanston, IL, 2012.

Tanaka, Katie G., and Amy Voida. "Legitimacy work: Invisible work in philanthropic crowdfunding." Proceedings of the 2016 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems. ACM, 2016.

Mitra, Tanushree, and Eric Gilbert. "The language that gets people to give: Phrases that predict success on kickstarter." Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work & social computing. ACM, 2014.


Bornstein, Kate. Gender outlaw: On men, women and the rest of us. Routledge, 2013.

Bardzell, Shaowen, and Jeffrey Bardzell. "Towards a feminist HCI methodology: social science, feminism, and HCI." Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 2011.

Rode, Jennifer A. "A theoretical agenda for feminist HCI." Interacting with Computers 23.5 (2011): 393-400.

Mahmood, Saba. "Feminist theory, embodiment, and the docile agent: Some reflections on the Egyptian Islamic revival." Cultural anthropology 16.2 (2001): 202-236.

Fiesler, Casey, Shannon Morrison, and Amy S. Bruckman. "An archive of their own: a case study of feminist HCI and values in design." Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 2016.

Usable Privacy

Nissenbaum, Helen. "Privacy as contextual integrity." Wash. L. Rev. 79 (2004): 119.

Palen, Leysia, and Paul Dourish. "Unpacking privacy for a networked world." Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems. ACM, 2003.

Sadeh, Norman, et al. "Understanding and capturing people's privacy policies in a mobile social networking application." Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 13.6 (2009): 401-412.

Ackerman, Mark S., Lorrie Faith Cranor, and Joseph Reagle. "Privacy in E-commerce: Examining user scenarios and privacy preferences." EC 99 (1999): 1-8.

Johnson, Maritza, Serge Egelman, and Steven M. Bellovin. "Facebook and privacy: it's complicated." Proceedings of the eighth symposium on usable privacy and security. ACM, 2012.

Ethics and Computing

Latour, Bruno, and Steve Woolgar. Laboratory life: The construction of scientific facts. Princeton University Press, 2013.

Shilton, Katie. "Values and Ethics in Human-Computer Interaction." Foundations and Trends® Human–Computer Interaction 12.2 (2018): 107-171.

Munteanu, Cosmin, et al. "Situational ethics: Re-thinking approaches to formal ethics requirements for human-computer interaction." Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 2015.

Metcalf, Jacob, and Kate Crawford. "Where are human subjects in big data research? The emerging ethics divide." Big Data & Society 3.1 (2016): 2053951716650211.

Fiesler, Casey, and Nicholas Proferes. "“Participant” Perceptions of Twitter Research Ethics." Social Media+ Society 4.1 (2018): 2056305118763366.

Context Aware Computing

Dourish, Paul. "What we talk about when we talk about context." Personal and ubiquitous computing 8.1 (2004): 19-30.

Dourish, Paul. "Seeking a foundation for context-aware computing." Human–Computer Interaction 16.2-4 (2001): 229-241.

Schilit, Bill, Norman Adams, and Roy Want. "Context-aware computing applications." wmcsa. IEEE, 1899.

De Laet, Marianne, and Annemarie Mol. "The Zimbabwe bush pump: Mechanics of a fluid technology." Social studies of science 30.2 (2000): 225-263.

Chen, Harry, Tim Finin, and Anupam Joshi. "An ontology for context-aware pervasive computing environments." The knowledge engineering review 18.3 (2003): 197-207.

Learning and Education

Goldin, Claudia Dale, and Lawrence F. Katz. The race between education and technology. harvard university press, 2009.

Lave, Jean, and Etienne Wenger. Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral participation. Cambridge university press, 1991.

Ahmed, Syed Ishtiaque, Steven J. Jackson, and Md Rashidujjaman Rifat. "Learning to fix: knowledge, collaboration and mobile phone repair in Dhaka, Bangladesh." Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development. ACM, 2015.

Aleven, Vincent, et al. "Toward a framework for the analysis and design of educational games." 2010 third IEEE international conference on digital game and intelligent toy enhanced learning. IEEE, 2010.

Toyama, Kentaro. "There are no technology shortcuts to good education." Educational Technology Debate 8 (2011).