CSC 418/2504 Fall 2003 Projects

Blobby modeling: Implement a blobby modeling system on the volumetric display in DGP. The project will involve understanding the basic concepts of blobby modeling using implicit functions and porting or implementing from scratch a system for building organic objects on the volume display and shape tape. Papers 1+2.

Interactive sculpting: Implement an interactive sculpting approach on the volume display in DGP. The project will involve understanding the basic concepts of scuplting and deformation of objects and implement or port a sculpting paradigm using the shape tape device and volume display. Papers 3+4.

Arkanoid: Design and implement a multiplayer video game for the volume display that eploits the potential of viewing things in true 3D and the ability of players to walk around the display while interacting with it.

Motion from Primitives: Build a system for higher level motion of a stick figure, either in your own application or as a Maya plug-in. The system should work with a database of motion primitives, also known as a motion graph and use them to build longer sequences of motion. Martial arts or dance are possible sources for the motion data. Papers 5. 

Behavioral Motion: Build a system for higher level motion of a stick figure, either in your own application or as a Maya plug-in. The system should encode simple rules expressing relationships between figures. Code up a basic set of actions that the figures can perform in reponse to various stimuli and rules. Run the behavioral system to generate interesting animations. Paper 6. 

Rendering foam: Simulate and render soap bubbles or for a greater challenge the head of a glass of beer. Paper 7.

Suggest a project

1. G.Wyvill,C. McPheeters and B.Wyvill. Data structures for soft objects. Visual Computer, 2:227--234, 1986.

2. J.Bloomenthal. Polygonization of implicit surfaces. Computer Aided Geometric Design, 5:341--355, 1988.

3. T.Sederberg and S.Parry.  Free-form deformation of solid geometric models. Computer Graphics, 20:151--160, 1986.

4. K. Singh and E. Fiume. Wires: A geometric deformation technique.  Computer Graphics, 405--414, 1998.

5. L. Kovar, M. Gleicher, F. Pighin: Motion Graphs. Computer Graphics 2003. 

6. K. Perlin, A. Goldberg. Improv: A System for Scripting Interactive Actors in Virtual Worlds. Computer Graphics; Vol. 29 No. 3., 1996. 

7. Simulation and rendering of liquid foams. GI 2002.  

Karan Singh, Dept of Computer Science, University of Toronto
Last modified: Sept 6 13 16:20:56 EST 2003