1. B-Spline Basis Functions
    1. Code to compute basis functions induced by different knot vectors.
    2. Order 2 Uniform B-Spline
    3. Order 3 Uniform B-Spline
    4. Order 3 Nonuniform B-Spline
    5. Order 4 Uniform B-Spline
    6. Order 4 Nonuniform B-Splines
    7. Order 4 Nonuniform B-Splines with double knots.
    8. Order 5 Uniform B-Spline
    9. High-order convergence to a gaussian
  2. Seeing the B-Spline segments
    1. Code to display curve segments in different colours.
  3. Comparison to Other Schemes
    1. Comparison of cubic B-spline and Bezier curves (image).
    2. Comparison of cubic B-spline and Bezier space curves (image).
    3. Comparison of cubic B-spline and Catmull-Rom space curves (image).
  4. Effect of Changing the Knot Vector on Curves
    1. Uniform piecewise cubic approximation (image).
    2. Maple script depicting result of knot vector changes.
    3. Adjusting interior knot spacing (image).
    4. Triple interior knot (image).
    5. Quadruple interior knot (image).