Can I do the labs by myself?

No. There isn't the lab space, and also I think it works out well in this course to do the lab in pairs, especially for the task of simultaneously tracing your diagrams on paper and your wiring on the breadboard.

You can come to the lab on other Thursdays (when you don't have a graded lab to do) and do other experiments by yourself or with a partner.

Can I form a group of three?

No. In a group of two, there is already a significant risk that one of the partners will miss something important, because the other partner repeatedly deals with that particular issue whenever it comes up. In a group of more than two students, this is pretty much a certainty; you will miss many things.

The labs are not very intense and I think you should be exposed to all of the issues which arise in the practical wiring of circuits. Larger groups working together would act against this.

I can't find a lab partner.

Please go to the next lab slot right at 6:10, in BA 3165. I'm telling this to everyone, and it appears on the lab dates handout, so you will meet other people without lab partners there at that time. The particular lab session might be full but then you can meet and sign up together for a suitable set of times later in the course.

[all 258 lab stuff] [main course page]