CSC 258 practice lab TA notes

This document is primarily targetted at the Lab TAs -- what I want them to say (roughly) at the beginning of the practice lab day. Most of these points are covered in more detail in the lab notes.

These are mostly reminders of matters covered in the familiarization session.

  1. Power off while wiring, or re-wiring.
  2. Always use the chip-puller to remove chips from the breadboard.
  3. Don't push the logic probe into breadboard holes.
  4. Don't use the adjacent long runways. Wire your power and ground as suggested in the lab notes handout in the picture on page 3.
  5. Keep wires short and keep it tidy, otherwise you will get a confused mass of wires and some of them will be wrong and your circuit won't work.
  6. For future labs, prepare a complete wiring diagram in advance, with chip pin numbers labelled as suggested on the top of page 2.
  7. At the end, sort the chips back into the drawers.

[lab handouts] [main course page]