Here is Newton's method as applied to the function x**2-y, for the purpose of finding the square root of y. Several people were rather excited about the prospect of seeing this C code, so here it is. I spoke with your calculus lecturer this afternoon and he doesn't feel that there is any harm to his assignment in my providing you with this code. This might be a disappointment! But I kinda wish I weren't showing this yet. I want to derive it. This will happen in the next lecture, which will be the first lecture of next week (Thursday or Friday) (in these Thurs -> Wed weeks of ours). (It would be Wednesday, but that's the midterm...) Anyway, here's the C code: double mysqrt(double y) /* requires y > 0 */ { double x = y / 2; while (fabs(x * x - y) > 1e-10) x = (x + y / x) / 2; return x; }