Problems regarding data communications; the internet; IP addresses; URLs

The process in which a computer figures out how to get a TCP (internet) message from its origin to its destination, potentially through many different kinds of smaller networks, is called ____________.


The first three numbers (bytes) assigned to the CDF lab for use in IP addresses are 128.100.109. The "128.100" is allocated to the University of Toronto. The "109" is allocated to CDF by U of T's Network Operations Group. For example, one of the CDF lab machines has the IP address

(a) What might be an IP address of another CDF lab machine?

(b) What might be an IP address of a computer at the University of Toronto but not in the CDF lab?

(c) What would you say about the IP address 130.100.345.456?


Identify the components of this URL and their meaning:


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