CSC418/2504H Fall 2000 Tutorial Schedule

The tutorial section that you attend will depend on your family name, and on the time of your lecture.

Section Class time Tutorial time Your Family initial Tutorial room Teaching Assistant
L0101, L2001 MW1 F1 A to D VC 304 Ken Xu
F1 E to K VC 212 Gonzalo Ramos
F1 L to Q VC 323 Zongpeng Li
F1 R to Z VC 206 Jingjing Lu

L5101, L2002 W7-9 W6 A to F SS 2102 Meng Sun
W6 G to Lee SS 1069 Dave Hill
W6 Lef to S
SS 1073
Daniel Taranovsky
W6 R-Z SS 1074 Greg Pintilie

NOTE: Daniel Taranovsky will not be available until October 9th. Hence if you are assigned to his tutorial, please attend one of the other tutorials until that time.

Alejo Hausner, Dept of Computer Science, University of Toronto
Last modified: Tue Sep 19 23:06:17 EDT 2000