Introduction to the software libraries

This course makes use of several popular libraries to help build sophisticated portable graphics applications with minimal effort.
The following diagram gives an overview of the packages and how they interact. For the purposes of this course, one can think of the GLU and glut libraries as being part of the OpenGL library or the OpenGL API (application programmer's interface), eventhough this is not really the case. The Tcl/Tk library will only be used for some assignments and in these cases is used to provide a reasonable command-line interface and graphical interface to the graphics code.


OpenGL provides most of the graphics functionality
GLU provides support for some additional operations and primitive types, and is implemented using OpenGL function calls
glut designed specifically to be used with OpenGL and it takes care of things like opening windows, redraw events, and keyboard and mouse input. It effectively hides all the windowing system dependencies for OpenGL
Tcl/Tk provides easy-to-use scripting functionality and a graphical user interface toolkit

OpenGL: Open Graphics Library

GLU: OpenGL Utility Library

glut: OpenGL Utility Toolkit

Tcl/Tk: Tool Command Language / GUI Toolkit