From Christopher Alexander's Book
The Timeless Way of Building

The Timeless Way

A building or a town will only be alive to the extent that is governed by the timeless way.

1. It is a process which brings order out of nothing but ourselves; it cannot be attained, but it will happen of its own accord, if we will only let it.

The Kernel of the Way

And yet the timeless way is not complete, and will not fully generate the quality without a name, until we leave the gate behind.

27. Indeed this ageless character has nothing, in the end, to do with languages. The language, and the processes which stem from it, merely release the fundamental order which is native to us. They do not teach us, they only remind us of what we know already and of what we shall discover time and time again, when we give up our own ideas and opinions, and do exactly what emerges from ourselves.