Fast computation of shadow boundaries using spatial coherence and backprojections

A. James Stewart and Sherif Ghali


This paper describes a fast, practical algorithm to compute the shadow boundaries in a polyhedral scene illuminated by a polygonal light source. The shadow boundaries divide the faces of the scene into regions such that the structure or ``aspect'' of the visible area of the light source is constant within each region. The paper also describes a fast, practical algorithm to compute the structure of the visible light source in each region. Both algorithms exploit spatial coherence and are the most efficient yet developed.

Given the structure of the visible light source in a region, queries of the form ``What specific areas of the light source are visible?'' can be answered almost instantly from any point in the region. This speeds up by several orders of magnitude the accurate computation of first level diffuse reflections due to an area light source. Furthermore, the shadow boundaries form a good initial decomposition of the scene for global illumination computations.

The Paper

77 Kb compressed Postscript file

  author    = "A. James Stewart and Sherif Ghali",
  title     = "Fast computation of shadow boundaries using spatial coherence
               and backprojections",
  booktitle = "Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH)",
  year      = "1994",
  month     = "August",
  pages     = "231--238"

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