CSC 378: Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

Splay Trees

[ L & D pg 243 - 251 ]

A splay tree is a BST which is not necessarily balanced.

Operations on a splay tree of n nodes can take worst-case time in index1.gif . However, a sequence of index2.gif operations takes worst-case time in index3.gif .

This means that the average time of one operation is index4.gif . Also this guarantees an upper bound on the total time for a sequence of operations. So this is a stronger statement than one that gives only an average time per operation.

Splay Tree Operations

The operations supported by a splay tree are:
Join(S,S') Join S and S' into a single BST, assuming that index5.gif .
Split(S,S',S'') Split S into two trees, S' and S'', such that index6.gif .

Everything is based on the Splay operation:

Splay(k,S) Reorganize S such that k is in the root or, if k is not in S, the root is either index7.gif or index8.gif .

Here's how the operations are written in terms of Splay:

Member(k,S) Do Splay(k,S). If k is in S, k is now the root.
Insert(x,S) Do Split(k,S,S',S'') to get S' and S''. Make x the root and set left(x) = S' and right(x) = S''.
Delete(k,S) Do Splay(k,S), then Join(left(S), right(S)).
Join(S,S') Do Splay( index9.gif ,S). This yields

Then do right(S) = S', which results in

Split(k,S,S',S'') Do Splay(k,S):

Then S' is S + left(S) and S'' is right(S).

Note the each operation takes a constant number of splay operations, plus some constant number of minor operations, like pointer manipulation. So we'll only count the cost of Splay operations in analysis.

The Splay Operation

Let x be a node with key k. Splay(k,S) uses rotations to move x up to the root.

The obvious way is to keep rotating at the node containing k until it reaches the root. But if this is done, a sequence of m operations can take time in index10.gif , rather than index11.gif as claimed above.

So we must carefully choose the rotations that move a node up to the root.

Each time we move the node upward, we're faced with one of the following situations:

  1. If x has a parent but no grandparent, just Rotate(x).
  2. If x and its parent y are both left or both right children, first Rotate(y), then Rotate(x).
  3. If one of x and its parent is a left child and the other is a right child, first Rotate(x), then Rotate(x) again.

The operations produce the restructurings:

Here is an example in which we Splay(5,S):


The amortized analysis of the splay operation is quite involved. Those interested in it can find a clear presentation in The Design and Analysis of Algorithms, by Dexter Kozen, pages 58 to 64 (ISBN 0-387-97687-6, Springer Verlag, 1992).

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Copyright 1998 James Stewart