CSC270: C++ Introduction

Abstract Data Types

[ King 19.3 ] An Abstract Data Type (ADT) consists of a data type and the operations that can be performed on it. For example: integers in a FIFO queue operations: enqueue(x) x <- dequeue() empty?() The ADT makes _no_mention_ of the actual implementation. A program using the ADT may make use of _only_ the things defined in the interface. All other parts (e.g. the implementation) are hidden. This means that the implementation can change in the future while programs using the ADT don't have to change.

Introduction to C++


Comments in C++ appear as /* comment */ which can span many lines. A comment at the end of a single line appears as // comment

Storage Allocation

int *a, *b; a = new int; // a points to an integer b = new int[100]; // b points to an array of 100 integers *a = 5; b[3] = 5; delete a; // free the memory used by a's integer delete [] b; // free the memory used by b's array. // (note the wierd syntax)


Classes are just like structures, except: - they can contain functions - they can `hide' some of their components Here's a stack class. class stack { public: void push( int x ); int pop(); int empty(); stack() { size = 0; } private: int size; int a[100]; }; Note the semicolon at the end of the class. Don't forget it! The `public' parts are accessible by any part of the program. The `private' parts are accessible only by program code defined within the class. push(), pop(), and empty() are prototypes of functions defined within the class. Their code appears elsewhere. They have access to private parts of the class.

Using Class Functions

Here's an example of using the stack: main() { stack s; s.push(5); s.push(7); s.push(10); while (! s.empty()) cout << "popping " << s.pop() << "\n"; } The output is popping 10 popping 7 popping 5 A class function is used just like a field within a structure. If function `f' is defined in class `myclass' which has an instance `x', it is called as myclass x; // x is an instance of myclass x.f(); // call the function f() defined in myclass If we have a _pointer_ to a class instance, we use the other notation: myclass *p; // p is a pointer to an instance of myclass p = new myclass; // allocate an instance and point p to it p->f(); // call f()

Class Functions

In the definition of the stack class is a public function of the _same_name_ as the class: stack() { size = 0; } This is a `constructor' and is called automatically when an instance of the class is created. It typically contains a very small bit of code and initializes the class. This is called, for example, when a class instance is created with "new" or when a function is entered that has a class instance as a local variable. Global variables that are class instances are also initialized this way _before_ main() is called. Program code that appears _inside_ the class definition (like stack() above) is typically compiled "inline". That is, whereever there is a call to a function defined inside the class definition, the code of the function replaces the function call. This saves the cost of the function call, at the cost of some extra space to copy the function's code. Only define very small functions inside your class definition! A function with a _prototype_ in the class definition still has access to all parts of the class. The function code is defined _outside_ the class definition. The compiler must be told that such code belongs to the class, so "classname::" must precede the function name. This isn't necessary if the code appears inside the class definition. void stack::push( int x ) { if (size < 99) a[ size++ ] = x; else { cerr << "stack:push() called with a full stack\n"; exit(1); } }

Function Calls and Instances

This is important to understanding C++. Read this section! When a class function is called, there is an instance of the class associated with that call. Above, x.f() had instance x associated with the call, while p->f() had the instance pointed to by p (i.e. the instance *p) associated with the call. Inside the function, class variables are referred to. Above, push() refers to array `a' and integer `size'. These are the class variables that are stored in the instance that is associated with the function call. That is, in the call to s.push(), the push() function refers to the variables `s.a' and `s.size'. As a further example, suppose we have two stacks: stack s; stack t; s.push(5); t.push(9); In the call to s.push(), the push() function refers to `s.a' and `s.size', while in the call to t.push(), the push function refers to `t.a' and `t.size'.

The Special Variable `this'

The compiler doesn't really create two separate pieces of code, one for s.push() and the other for t.push(). It uses the same code, but instantiates a special variable called `this' that points to the instance associated with the function call. So your code void stack::push( int x ) { if (size < 99) a[ size++ ] = x; } is really implemented by the compiler as void stack::push( stack *this, int x ) { if ((this->size) < 99) (this->a)[ (this->size)++ ] = x; } and your function calls s.push(5) t.push(7) p->push(9) are really implemented by the compiler as push( &s, 5 ); push( &t, 7 ); push( p, 9 );

I/O in C++

Output is done like cout << ... << ... << ... ; where ... is a numeric expression, a string, or a class instance that has an output method defined for it (output methods will be discussed in tutorial). Don't forget the semicolon at the end of this statement! Output to the standard error stream is done like cerr << ... << ... << ... ; Input is done like cin >> x; where x is a variable that has an input method defined. This is true of ints, floats, and chars. For other types of variable, you might have to define your own input method. Look up "operator>>" in a C++ book to see how to do this. For example, to request an integer from the user: cout << "Enter an integer: "; cin >> x;